Photo Permission Declaration Form

Images of boarders involved in school activities can provide a valuable record of school life, as well as individual and team achievements. Therefore, we regularly take photographs of boarders involved in school activities or events. These may also be displayed or used within the school premises and within the school community. In this consent form we ask permission to take, store and use images for purposes related to Buckswood, for example: in promotional printed material, on our website and school social networking services. If you wish to opt out of this, you can state this on the form as well as state that you give consent.
Buckswood Global Education Consent Form for the Recording and Use of Images & Video – Pupils aged under 13
During the course of the school year, we may wish to take photographs or video recordings of children within school or on school trips, either for our own records, for use as part of our learning curriculum or for inclusion in our promotional material such as the school prospectus, marketing emails and our website. The school may invite an external photographer to the school each year to take official school photographs and the school may also invite the media in to take photographs for publication. To comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the new General Data Protection Regulation (May 2018), we need to ask your consent before the school or the media record any images of your child. In view of this, please read the Statement below and complete the slip below.
  1. We may use your child’s photograph in the school prospectus, marketing emails and other publications we produce for promotional purposes.
  2. We may use your child’s image on our website & social media.
  3. We may record your child’s image on video.
  4. Your child’s image may appear in the media.
  5. Your child’s first name may appear with the image in the media.
  6. ID Badge is a requirement for public examinations and your child’s photo will be used to create an ID badge for them.
  7. Your child’s image will be stored on our management systems to help staff identify students
Declaration of Consent(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
You have the right to withdraw consent at any time. Should you wish to withdraw consent, please contact:- DPO, Buckswood School, Rye Road, Guestling. East Sussex. TN35 4LT Tel 01424 813813