NSBO Activities Not So Boring office Activities Email(Required) Name of student(Required)Please select activity applying for(Required) Archery (£200 for 10 x 1hr lessons) Athletics (Cost on application/enquiry) Beginners BMX (£60 for 4 x 1hr lessons, includes all kit and coaching) Beginners Skateboarding (£60 for 4 x 1hr lessons. includes all kit and coaching) Boxing (Cost on application/enquiry) Clay Pigeon Shooting (Cost on application/enquiry – Starting September 2023) Dance (£25/person per session) Fencing (Cost on application/enquiry) Flying Fast Track to PPL (from £14,047) Flying Introductory 30 mins (from £132) Flying Introductory 60 mins (from £255) Flying Land-Away 60 mins (from £339) Golf (£450/term for 2 sessions a week) Judo (£10/person per lesson) Kickboxing (Cost on application/enquiry) Rock Climbing Experience (£22.50/person for 2 hours) Rock Climbing NICAS Programme (£90 for 6 x 1.5 hourly lessons) Rock Climbing Taster session (£17.50/person for 60 minutes) RYA Sailing Qualification (£168 for 6 x 2hr lessons, includes kit, coaching and certificate) RYA Windsurfing Qualification (£168 for 6 x 2hr lessons, includes kit, coaching and certificate) Textiles and Fashion (Cost on application/enquiry) Contemporary Dance Options Group lesson – Saturday morning 11-12pm – £8 (min of 10 sessions) Private lesson – 30 mins: £22.50 (during the week) Private lesson – 45 mins: £30 (during the week) Private lesson – 1 hour: £40 (during the week) Notes / Extra information and requestsYes, I give my permission for my son/daughter to attend the activities selected in this form. I also confirm that their student/medical records are up to date.(Required) Yes Consent(Required) I agree to the privacy policy.By submitting this form you agree for the personal data entered this form to be used & handled in accordance to our data protection/GDPR policy. Our data protection/GDPR policy can be viewed on our website.I understand that all activities on this page are subject to availability and additional fees will apply.(Required) I understand that all activities on this page are subject to availability and additional fees will apply.(Required)