Buckswood Education, Adventure and Travel

Buckswood is an adventure and a journey, where we measure the journey not in kilometres but in memories and moments – our trips programme certainly does that !

We often say at Buckswood that travel is the ‘fourth dimension’ in education, as it assists in placing education in context, for it broadens minds and horizons, breaks down barriers, destroys misconception, enhances knowledge and promotes cultural understanding.

It is for those reasons that Buckswood, run by it’s BEAT division has a well-established programme of annual trips, organised in such a way that the trips on offer are entirely appropriate for everyone as well as accessible to all.

These opportunities for personal growth and character-building place Buckswood students ahead of the rest.

The trips on offer establish greater maturity, self-discipline, personal organisation and the ability to prioritise; all are essential qualities necessary to enhance success.

The programme of trips on offer to Buckswood scholars is ideally suited to the acquisition of these qualities.

The trips on offer do vary from term to term and year to year. This peak into what were we have visited over the last few years gives you a taste of what is on offer – the smiling faces say it all !!


BEAT – Trips 2024/25

Previous Overseas Trips

Buckswood has a well-established programme of annual trips, organised in such a way that the trips on offer are entirely appropriate for everyone. Each year the school runs a selection of trips, below are some examples of some of the destinations we have visited.

Prague, Czech Republic Swaziland (2 weeks) Tblisi, Georgia
Tokyo, Japan Beijing, China Paris, France
Hong Kong Barcelona, Spain Valencia, Spain
Rome, Italy Iceland The Alps (Skiing)
The Netherlands New York , USA